
and SYMPOSIUMS through
by cartoonist ASTER

Animateur Aster par dessins en direct

Live drawings carried out for companies, associations and bodies during their meetings, congresses, conventions, conferences, debates, workshops, seminars, etc. This activity provides added dynamism, albeit discretely, without disturbing the course of the event. Touches of humour by a professional cartoonist mark out the event highlights, relax the atmosphere and are a lasting memory for the participants.

Event enhancement through drawing

CartoonEvent's live cartooning service consists of enhancing a meeting (workshop, seminar, business away day, conference, etc.) using live drawings created by a cartoonist working in the control room, at the back of the room or on the stage who, in just a few seconds, extracts elements of the meeting to sketch. His visual commentary will provide a touch of humour in contexts that are often overly serious, allowing the participants, speakers and audience to feel more relaxed and promoting participation, attention and memorisation. Using a cartoonist shows that the organising body has a friendly and innovative side and is prepared to be self-deprecating or even self-critical. .

Raw materials

The sources of inspiration for the cartoonist are, of course, the speeches with their thematic content, possibly communicated in advance, and all the forms of modulation they take at the event, as well as the speakers' attitudes, the audience's reaction, the speakers' notes, videos or PowerPoint presentations and, finally, the general atmosphere, which the cartoonist helps balance: a cartoon with a humorous slant can temper a tense atmosphere, while a more refined illustration (see example 1 on this page) will be well received as a way of restoring a sense of calm and concentration to a dissipated meeting. In addition, a symbolic illustration will stimulate reflection, while a caricature of the speaker will punctuate his or her conclusion and prompt further applause. A mood drawing can be a perfect way of signalling the transition between two focal points; a summary drawing or illustration comparing two points of reference will ensure a pleasant flow from one theme to the next... In short, the whole structure of the day or session can be improved.

Coffee breaks

Breaks offer an occasion to comment on the proceedings. The drawings and, through them, the topics discussed at the meeting or conference, can make for the most pleasant topics of conversation. For art and humour bring people together and allow everyone to be positive and give praise: evoking a presentation they particularly appreciated, or talking about the reaction of a participant to whom a drawing was addressed. The organisers will also be congratulated for having the great idea to invite a cartoonist like Aster or for being daring enough to provide a very welcome touch of humour in an atmosphere sometimes deemed too strict or stuffy. Humour is even more effective when it appears where we least expect it.


The effectiveness of live drawing as a communication enhancer derives from its impact on our memory.
Firstly, drawing is a very fluid graphic form that can be perceived by everyone: there is often no need for explanation or translation to enjoy a live drawing or thematic illustration. We might also be sensitive to the artistic aspects of the 'performance' itself, which consists of drawing an intelligent humorous situation very quickly.
Secondly, humour, conveyed here by the drawings, also has a great mnemonic impact, partly because it calls upon faculties other than the reasoning around which most speeches are structured: humour creates a sense of finesse, emotion and a reaction, which can be physical!
Thirdly, the context in which the humorous drawing is introduced is an exclusively verbal one made up of speeches, which can sometimes be technical and include redundant information, supported by presentation slides overloaded with text. Such a context can sometimes come across as 'tedious' or 'soporific'. It is therefore inevitable that a drawing, a simple, impromptu graphic form, suddenly displayed on a huge screen, will stand out from the general content like a rainbow in a grey sky. Taking into account these three elements - the impact of the graphic form, the effectiveness of humour and their introduction into an almost exclusively verbal and rational context - it is not surprising that illustrations produced live are one of the first things participants remember. The aim for the organiser and cartoonist, working together, is for these drawings to act like catch lines to enhance the perception of the key messages delivered by the speakers.

Afterwards and... ad infinitum!

The drawings produced during an event will live on long after it has come to an end! They are scanned, made into a useful format for the printed press or the Web, associated with an explanatory contextual phrase and sent to the client 'ready to use' or made available on a Web page. As for the originals, these can be offered to speakers as thank you gifts or awards at the end of a competition. All the drawings can be sent to participants upon request, with permission to use them for appropriate purposes. Finally, the live drawings constitute an iconographic bank upon which you can draw to enhance a report of the event, an Intranet page, an e-mail shot, etc. (related to the event) and re-immerse readers in the atmosphere of a convention, seminar or event made unforgettable by a few touches of humour.

©Jean-Philippe Legrand - "aster" Reproduction prohibited.


Les avantages du cartoon en direct

A l'instar des illustrations en communication écrite, l'animation via les caricatures permet de :

  • Dynamiser le contenu de façon originale
  • Soutenir l'attention et l'intérêt du public, des spectateurs, des intervenants
  • Alléger la présentation de l'information, décontracter l'atmosphère
  • Faire une pause, " souffler " quelques instants... par l'art et l'humour !
  • Représenter ce dont il est question, sortir de l'abstrait
  • Structurer l'événement : en introduction des thèmes, transition entre les intervenants
  • Humaniser la communication par la subjectivité du dessin
  • Décaler le discours, donner un autre point de vue (le regard extérieur, du néophyte, de "l'artiste")
  • Fixer en mémoire certains points par l'impact de l'image
  • Insister, transmettre une idée clé, (peut être communiquée préalablement au dessinateur)
  • Epingler un détail, attirer l'attention sur ce qui aurait pu passer inaperçu
  • Résumer de longs développements ou une situation par un dessin
  • Faire rire ou sourire le public mais aussi l'orateur (et peut-être le rendre plus "sympathique"!)
  • Donner une image positive de l'instance organisatrice (capacité d'autodérision)
  • Ex-primer ("évacuer la pression ") le sentiment contenu par le public, par sa figuration
  • Oser dire le non-dit ou poser la question naïve ou fatale, à laquelle tout le monde pense ou à laquelle personne n'a pensé
  • Tempérer un propos trop univoque
  • Conclure de façon positive

Utilisations particulières, très pratiques

  • Accueillir les participants, les invités, le public
  • Attirer l'attention
  • Solliciter l'arrêt des GSM
  • Rappeler le respect du timing à l'intervenant
  • Inviter à parler plus près du micro
  • Expliquer une procédure de communication appliquée pendant le meeting
  • Rappeler à l'ordre de façon sympathique ·
  • Annoncer une pause, souhaiter bon appétit
  • Combler un blanc (suite à un problème technique par exemple)
  • Aider un intervenant en difficulté, mal compris, chahuté, perdu dans ses feuilles
  • Rendre hommage aux absents
  • Remercier les participants de façon originale
  • Communiquer un site web de référence ou une adresse e-mail à noter
  • Inviter au verre de l'amitié
  • Disposer d'un ensemble d'illustrations pour un éventuel compte rendu ou
  • Offrir un cadeau ou une récompense aux participants : caricature, dessin original,...

Dans le cas d'un événement moins protocolaire :

  • Amuser, apporter l'humour, le rire, la surprise, une touche d'originalité
  • Favoriser la communication (les dessins suscitent réactions, déplacements,...)
  • Encourager une certaine décontraction dans des circonstances parfois "guindées"
  • Rassembler les participants autour d'un dessin (à réaliser avec eux par exemple)
  • Offrir le plaisir de se voir "croquer" ou de voir "caricaturer" un proche
  • Réaliser les souhaits, exécuter les demandes des convives, participants ou invités
  • Laisser un souvenir (les dessins sont offerts)


En régie, animation cartoons



Animation d'un congrès de Renault





Cartoon at  international congress - FIC

Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Cartoon at  international congress - FIC



Live cartoon at corporate meeting



Live cartoon at corporate meeting



Live cartoon at corporate meeting



Live cartoon at corporate meeting



Live cartoon at corporate meeting



Live cartoon at corporate meeting



Live cartoon at corporate meeting



Live cartoon at corporate meeting



Live cartoon at corporate meeting



Live drawings animation



Live drawings animation



Live drawings animation



Live drawings animation



Live caricature animation



Live caricature animation



Live caricature animation



Live caricature animation



Live caricature animation



Live caricature animation

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